(click for LARGE version)
Making the rink segment was a nice challenge and it was great to finally pull the plasticard back out and muck around with it. It's been far too long since I've used that particular set of skills.
As has painting. Particularly when I'm attempting to paint him to a high standard. I've never really had to paint black before, which was a fun challenge. Taking bits and pieces of several Adepticon classes to heart I primed white, blocked in a thin layer of mid-grey, and then washed down to black in the shadows while gently painting up a thinned, lighter grey on the highlights. The freehand didn't fare quite as well, but I think I did a passable job of recreating the Coppell Cowboys logo. It's certainly no award winner, but I'm proud of it. I think it's probably the single best bit of work I've done on a figure to date and has me in the mood to paint up more "showpiece" figures.
...after I get all these Infinity and Dreadball figures painted up...