At last, and with just hours to spare before the big road trip, the Turtons are ready to take to the pitch! They even have a snazzy logo to go with 'em!
(Most of the pics in this article are clickable for a larger view.)
L-to-R: Donnie, Raph, Leo, Mikey
L-to-R: Einstein, Spike, Vince, Angelo
You may notice that none of the Turtons have numbers. I've got a quick method for telling them apart based on the Turton's mask and which scute is darkened. If the darker scute is on the left, they use a traditional name/color combo. If the dark scute is on the right, they're using an alternate name that ties to the original character.
I think they all look pretty good, but I'm most proud of Coach Splinter. The paint flowed far more easily on this model, and I can't wait to get some feedback from Damon, Celso, Andrew et. al to see what I did right, what I did wrong, and suggestions for improvement. Oddly, I'm particularly fond of how his hands came out.
While the team is ready to play, I'm not 100% there yet. I'll probably finish the custom roster Wednesday morning and head to the Kinko's just down the road to print 'em up. THEN I'll be 100% ready to for Saturday night!
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